Angelo Campanella
2010-05-20 14:44:08 UTC
25 April, 2010 ff:
Feel welcome to go to and use the new Usenet Big 8 group on acoustics;
If you have any technical interest in acoustics, this is for you!
I know of no other public medium than Internet and its affiliates
that serves the purpose of global access and query on chosen subjects
successfully at present.
Genuine inquiries in technical acoustics are welcome.
Newcomers may enjoy the Acoustics FAQ, devised and generated solely by the
many participants in the original alt.sci.physics.acoustics news group
several years ago, and now posted at:
Note: Detailed repartee` on simple problems such as loudspeaker design, home
studio details and amplified audio problems should be discussed elsewhere on
hobby groups, soundproofing, etc.
This "sci" news group is intended for technical acoustics discussion in all
These are best defined by the fields indicated in the 2006 Membership
Directory of the Acoustical Society of America. See page B1 of that 2006
(light green) ASA membership directory.
For example, there are membership types A through N:
A- Architectural Acoustics
B- Engineering Acoustics
C- Musical Acoustics
D- Noise
E- Physical Acoustics
F- Psychological and Physiological Acoustics
H- Speech Communication
J- Underwater Acoustics
K- Biomedical Ultrasound / Bioresponse to Vibration
L- Animal Bioacoustics
M- Acoustical Oceanography
N- Signal Processing in Acoustics
1/ Our discussions should be brief, involving relatively short epistles.
A few screen-loads usually suffice to get an informative exchange going.
2/ Avoid public repartee' that switches to lesser and unrelated matters.
Private E-Mail is for that. Stick to main issues from which all
of us will learn and also enjoy the benefits of this highly public medium.
3/ Resist the temptation to author large treatises here. Save all that
energy for a separate E-mail file targeted to a recipient, via Post or
via FAX.
4/ Avoid unintentional "Cross-Posting" when commenting on or answering to
messages by others, especially messages that are obviously
answers-to-answers. (Cross-posting appears as newsgroups other than
sci.physics.acoustics listed, separated by commas, appearing in your
composer's NEWSGROUPS header line.) The problem with cross-posting is that
some participants in such peripheral groups in turn respond with
increasingly marginal and off-topic comments which diverges the dialog
unnecessarily, much to the chagrin of serious participants here.
5/ When inclusively reproducing previous dialog on the subject message to
which you respond,
the succinct lines that set the stage for YOUR learned response.
6/ AVOID quarrelsome and profane language. Life's too short to waste on
them. Such outbursts detract from the credibility of the arguments and
validity of the information you present.
7/ AVOID defamatory comments.
In these many ways, we will all truly welcome and enjoy each other's
thoughts without resorting to the delay and burden of a moderated news group
that must administer via exhaustive screening.
Brief "Jobs Available" or "Help Needed" postings are welcome in this
continuing period of economic malaise..
...-.- Angelo J. Campanella, FASA, 25 April, 2010
21May,1995: alt.sci.physics.acoustics instituted through the Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio.
1997: Many of us have web pages. Advertising them here
(a one-line message with major topic only) is adequate.
Oct'98: I installed the "ACOUSTICS.FAQ" file on my web page.
March '99: Caveat on excess repartee'.
October '99: Caveat on foul content.
June 2000: Avoid trivia comment.
September: 2000 update.
June 2001: reissue.
July 2001: addendum.
February 2003: Resent to remind the primary usage intended.
August 2003: Resent, minimize home studios, entertainment loudspeakers, etc.
November 2003: Resent, edited.
March 2004: Re-sent.
Summer '04: Re-sent.
Sept'04: Re-sent, cross-posting discouraged.
Dec'04: Re-sent, & Jan1'05.
& a few times since.
June, 2009: Re-sent.
Fall'09: Creation of Big-8 sci.physics.acoustics initiated
Spring'10: Decision to make s.p.a. unmoderated for better response time.
April 14'10: Big-8 board voted 10-0 to create sci.physics.acoustics!
April 25'10: Edited, repeated.
Enjoy! ...-.-
Feel welcome to go to and use the new Usenet Big 8 group on acoustics;
If you have any technical interest in acoustics, this is for you!
I know of no other public medium than Internet and its affiliates
that serves the purpose of global access and query on chosen subjects
successfully at present.
Genuine inquiries in technical acoustics are welcome.
Newcomers may enjoy the Acoustics FAQ, devised and generated solely by the
many participants in the original alt.sci.physics.acoustics news group
several years ago, and now posted at:
Note: Detailed repartee` on simple problems such as loudspeaker design, home
studio details and amplified audio problems should be discussed elsewhere on
hobby groups, soundproofing, etc.
This "sci" news group is intended for technical acoustics discussion in all
These are best defined by the fields indicated in the 2006 Membership
Directory of the Acoustical Society of America. See page B1 of that 2006
(light green) ASA membership directory.
For example, there are membership types A through N:
A- Architectural Acoustics
B- Engineering Acoustics
C- Musical Acoustics
D- Noise
E- Physical Acoustics
F- Psychological and Physiological Acoustics
H- Speech Communication
J- Underwater Acoustics
K- Biomedical Ultrasound / Bioresponse to Vibration
L- Animal Bioacoustics
M- Acoustical Oceanography
N- Signal Processing in Acoustics
1/ Our discussions should be brief, involving relatively short epistles.
A few screen-loads usually suffice to get an informative exchange going.
2/ Avoid public repartee' that switches to lesser and unrelated matters.
Private E-Mail is for that. Stick to main issues from which all
of us will learn and also enjoy the benefits of this highly public medium.
3/ Resist the temptation to author large treatises here. Save all that
energy for a separate E-mail file targeted to a recipient, via Post or
via FAX.
4/ Avoid unintentional "Cross-Posting" when commenting on or answering to
messages by others, especially messages that are obviously
answers-to-answers. (Cross-posting appears as newsgroups other than
sci.physics.acoustics listed, separated by commas, appearing in your
composer's NEWSGROUPS header line.) The problem with cross-posting is that
some participants in such peripheral groups in turn respond with
increasingly marginal and off-topic comments which diverges the dialog
unnecessarily, much to the chagrin of serious participants here.
5/ When inclusively reproducing previous dialog on the subject message to
which you respond,
the succinct lines that set the stage for YOUR learned response.
6/ AVOID quarrelsome and profane language. Life's too short to waste on
them. Such outbursts detract from the credibility of the arguments and
validity of the information you present.
7/ AVOID defamatory comments.
In these many ways, we will all truly welcome and enjoy each other's
thoughts without resorting to the delay and burden of a moderated news group
that must administer via exhaustive screening.
Brief "Jobs Available" or "Help Needed" postings are welcome in this
continuing period of economic malaise..
...-.- Angelo J. Campanella, FASA, 25 April, 2010
21May,1995: alt.sci.physics.acoustics instituted through the Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio.
1997: Many of us have web pages. Advertising them here
(a one-line message with major topic only) is adequate.
Oct'98: I installed the "ACOUSTICS.FAQ" file on my web page.
March '99: Caveat on excess repartee'.
October '99: Caveat on foul content.
June 2000: Avoid trivia comment.
September: 2000 update.
June 2001: reissue.
July 2001: addendum.
February 2003: Resent to remind the primary usage intended.
August 2003: Resent, minimize home studios, entertainment loudspeakers, etc.
November 2003: Resent, edited.
March 2004: Re-sent.
Summer '04: Re-sent.
Sept'04: Re-sent, cross-posting discouraged.
Dec'04: Re-sent, & Jan1'05.
& a few times since.
June, 2009: Re-sent.
Fall'09: Creation of Big-8 sci.physics.acoustics initiated
Spring'10: Decision to make s.p.a. unmoderated for better response time.
April 14'10: Big-8 board voted 10-0 to create sci.physics.acoustics!
April 25'10: Edited, repeated.
Enjoy! ...-.-