Post by TonyPost by Angelo CampanellaA reasonable plunge is to just go ahead with s.p.a, the lingering
question being whether it should be moderated.
Straw vote anyone?
Not going over the arguments again ... but specifically, if Usenet is dead
or dying, (which I am not completely convinced of) why will going to
another heirarchy help? It is still Usenet.
Tony Woolf
True. But we have had a serious following here for years. Establishing
s.p.a. (unmoderated) might stir up some new participants there, and we can
look forward to having the more esoteric discussions there. It will
certainly avoid the "alt" bias of sppearing frivilous. I'm now leaning
toward that route, especailly since I have found that Outlook nicely allows
the deletion of incoming trash messages. And we can still make a moderated
group later if there is a sea change of philosophy and policies anywhere
that resumes the clutter....
Another tack is to explore other Internet acoustical science disussion
groups that are not heavily biased by the sponsor. After all is said and
done, I still appreciate the unbiased nature of Usenet.