ACO Pacific makes a treated 3-inch (WS1-80T) and a 7-inch (WS7-80T) diameter windscreen. We have a couple 7-inch. Not cheap, I recall a few
hundred dollars each. Otherwise, I enclose a regular windscreen in a very thin film bag from the
produce sections of grocery stores and wrap it with a piece of velcro around the preamp to hold it
taught so the wind won't rattle it. Cheap bags are good when running multiple loggers.
Also, pay attention to protecting the SLM itself. We have found some types of meters experience
intermittent operations from moisture problems. You can use another thin bag to put it in during
surveys. We also use softpack vinyl bags that are made for our particular meter having a soft clear
plastic top to allow us to see the screen and push the buttons.
Condoms don't work as well as you'd think for microphones unless it may be a short term measurement.
We did some trials back in the 1980's and gave up. They are sensitive to UV rays and after a
number of days exposure tend to decompose or split.
There are some manufacturers of outdoor microphone systems that include desicants and heaters in a
mic tube. Very expensive but maybe the way to go for very long term monitoring.
Dan Prusinowski
Jeff Latour wrote:
Are you aware if a waterproof windscreen is manufactured by anyone (I saw the SA 202 from Svantek,
but I don’t know if this really work)?
If not, what do you suggest as a protection against rain for outdoor measurement? Normally we try
to avoid measurement when there is a
risk of rain, but sometime we have no choice (fortunately this happen rarely)?
Thanks to you all.
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