Post by Giovanni CorazzolHello, my name is Giovanni.
Post by Giovanni CorazzolI am writing from Syracuse, Italy.
Am interested in acoustic as a professional violinmaker/repairer.
I sometimes read forums about violinmaking and I must say that I
didn't find any SPAM. But the topics list is getting longer and
This group discusses acoustics widely. Some topics are about music.
Those discussions are usually useful.
Post by Giovanni CorazzolMany hobby-violinmakers read these forums and it's very useful for
them (but they often post in an undisciplined, confusing way).
This happens in many news groups like this. we are aware of this
roughness, but we suffer it anyway, in the hope that good information will
also come.
Post by Giovanni CorazzolSome
fine professional makers and restorers post regularly, too, and this
is valuable for everyone.
But I find that musical acoustics is not a "standard" topic in a
violinmaking business, and newbies/hobby makers do not know deep
enough to post useful phisics questions.
Here, might have some good disussions.
We are consideeing making a regular scientific group
(sci.physics.acoistics, (spa)). Theonly issue remaining is whether we make
it moderated, or free access as this alt.sci.physics.acoustics (aspa) has
been for many years.
Post by Giovanni CorazzolI wonder if there is anybody following this group who is working on /
is interested in / musical instruments acoustics.
There might be some. You should send another message, using the word
"violin" in its subject line to easily attract attention.
Wait for a few days for some answers.
(We expect more professional used for spa since the "alt." prefix implies
non--professional activities, while the "sci." prefix implies more serious
subject matter.)
Post by Giovanni Corazzoli have found this website,
This requires that someone present themselves to do the work... It also
requires cadre of idividuals all ready to start discussions. This asps
spontanously developed a good following years ago. It is a little sparse
now. There have been some musicians communicting here. But I admit that most
discussions do not go very deep as for experienced professionals. Time is
spent answering questions from pesons that have little knowledge.
It has been our hope, really my hope, that the main function should be
that persons with a special problem askit here, then they and a few others
switch to regular e-nmails towork the details when it getsvery speailized.
In these newsnet goups, unmoderated, the work is only at the beginning
(like now for spa) to start it. After that, no work is needed, but the users
like me and you have to "filter" or ignore the undesirable messages for
themselves. If spa is decided to be "moderated", the work continues
Post by Giovanni Corazzolit just happens that they quoted Archimedes of Syracuse on their
homepage, so this helped me to remember them...
Regards - un saluto a tutti voi da Siracusa
Saluto a voi,
Angelo Campanella