Post by amdxtest
Yea, it's shame the activity on this group has died. :-(
A- I know, that's a poke to do something. It's on my agenda to statrt
sci.physics.acoustics as part of the long term solution, as it should bring
more visibility for us.
B- I've done the inital spade work, writing a proposal to do same and
circulated it for comment. There were no nays and some comments. The
sticking point has been whether to make it moderated. We seem to have
meandered to the opinion that we can do an unmoderated
sci.physics.acoustics, and if it works, all well and good. In the unlikely
event that flak and spam become outrageous, we can still petition for a
moderated group.
C- It is now time to "Call the question", to move to a vote by the "board"
to create tehe group or not.
D- What we have achieved so far, in setting up sci.physics.acoustics has
been to work our way up to and into:
4. The Proponent Asks the Board Make a Decision
When the proponent is ready for the board to make its decision, he or she
should submit an RFD/Last Call For Comments to news.announce.newgroups. The
Board may also take the initiative to suggest to a proponent that the time
has come to end the discussion and make a decision on the proposal.
If the board believes that the proposal is ready for a decision to be made,
the Board will publish the RFD/LCC under its own name. The RFD will announce
that the Board will begin voting after 5 days, and that interested persons
should make any final comments that they wish the Board to consider when
making its decision.
Alternatively, the board may request that the proponent make additional
changes to the RFD/LCC, or supply additional information; or they may
request that the proponent continue to discuss the proposal in
E- This is the step I am working on at the moment. What I need to do now is
to rephrase the old Request for Discussion (RFD) in terms reflecting what we
recently agreed on here to create a new RFD). After I get that wordsmithed,
I fire it off to the "Board", and th following ensues :
Final RFD / Last Call for Comments
Outline of the Process
a.. After the proponent and the board agree that it is time to end
discussion and decide the question, the proponent e-mails the final Request
for Discussion (RFD) to news-announce-***
b.. The Last Call for Comments (LCC) goes out under the Board's name. This
indicates that the Board will begin a vote five days later, on the
assumption that no major issues emerge during the final round of discussion.
c.. When the LCC is published in n.a.n., the Chair of the Board asks the
members whether the question can be decided by consensus. If there are no
objections from the members, the period required to establish consensus will
coincide with the period for final comments on the RFD.
d.. If a formal vote is required, voting starts five days after the LCC is
published. Voting is internal to the Board and may last as long as a week;
however, a result may be announced as soon as a majority is reached for or
against the RFD.
e.. The results of the vote are published to the whole distribution list.
f.. If the board votes to create a new newsgroup, the Technical Team
implements the decision.
////////////////////////////////////////////this is followed
5. The Board Votes on the Proposal
The Board will decide whether the new group will be created. In making its
decision, the Board will use its standard voting procedures.
The Board will wait five days after the Final RFD and Last Call for Comments
is issued before beginning to vote. After the five-day period, the Board's
vote may take one to seven days.
If the Board decides not to create the new group, the Board's announcement
of the decision will include an explanation of why the proposal was
rejected. Furthermore, the Board will explain to the proponent, either
privately or in the decision announcement, what, if anything, he or she can
do to improve the proposal before asking the Board to reconsider it.
6. If the Proposal Passes, It is Implemented
The Technical Team will create and circulate the request to create the new
group. This formal request will be archived at the ISC website.
F- Bureaucracy is alive and well.
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