Heads up for a News group possiblephising episode
(too old to reply)
Angelo Campanella
2009-03-24 13:14:26 UTC
Dear All:

I just received an email from the source noted as follows to the effect
that Usenet was closing down its free access. But as I read through that
notice, it was clear that they were looking for a monthly fee from
anyone they could convince to do so...

".....This email was sent from http://www.TalkAboutNetwork.com , PO Box
547597, Orlando, FL 32854."

The my ISP attached the following footnote:

"WARNING: This e-mail is a suspected phishing scam."

I'll just stand by and watch whatever, if anything, unfolds.......

Angelo Campanella
Ethan Winer
2009-03-24 13:51:12 UTC
it was clear that they were looking for a monthly fee from anyone they
could convince to do so...
After years of paying for newsgroup access, just last week I canceled
that and now access this and other groups through Google Groups. It's
free, and so far it's been working flawlessly.

Ken Plotkin
2009-03-25 01:32:12 UTC
On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:14:26 GMT, Angelo Campanella
Post by Angelo Campanella
I just received an email from the source noted as follows to the effect
that Usenet was closing down its free access. But as I read through that
notice, it was clear that they were looking for a monthly fee from
anyone they could convince to do so...

Seems more like spam than phishing. Must be a relief from the usual
"medz" and "enlargement" spams.

Usenet is taking a hit these days, though. Some of the big ISPs (like
Verison and Comcast) are cutting back coverage, with some limiting
their servers to the Big 8., and some cutting support altogether.
Eventually it could all go the way of BBSs.

Ken Plotkin
