Angelo Campanella
2009-06-15 13:45:37 UTC
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups.proposals,
alt.sci.physics.acousticsSubject: RFD: sci.physics.acoustics.moderated
Followup-To: news.groups.proposalsArchive-Name: sci.physics.acoustics.moderated
moderated group sci.physics.acoustics.moderated
This is a formal Request for Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the
moderated newsgroup sci.physics.acoustics.moderated.
For your newsgroups file:
sci.physics.acoustics.moderated Topics in acoustics and vibrations.
The group alt.sci.physics.acoustics in the same topic space was started
in 1995 and has been a successful group with
productive discussion, but recently spam has become a disruptive
problem. Participants from alt.sci.physics.acoustics would like to move
to a moderated Big 8 newsgroup.
This news group is intended for preliminary discussion on all technical
fields of acoustics and vibration as indicated by the Acoustical Society
of America. See page B1 in the 2006 (Green) ASA membership directory.
These are:
Architectural Acoustics
Engineering Acoustics
Musical Acoustics
Noise Acoustics
Physical Acoustics-
Animal Bioacoustics
Psychological & Physiological Acoustics
Structural and Vibrations Acoustics
Speech Communications Acoustics
Underwater & Propagation Acoustics
Biomedical Ultrasound Acoustics
Bioresponse to Vibration Acoustics
Signal Processing Acoustics
0/ Consider this news group to be where our first 'Hello' is exchanged
and where knowledgeable discussion on any given
question may evolve. However, detailed repartee on simple problems such
as loudspeaker design and amplified audio problems
should be discussed elsewhere on hobby groups, etc.
1/ Our discussions should be concise, involving relatively short
messages; a few screen-loads usually suffice.
2/ Avoid public debate that switches to smaller and smaller matters.
Private E-Mail is for that. Rather, stick to main
issues from which all of us will learn and also enjoy the benefits of
this public medium.
3/ Resist the temptation to author large treatises here. Save that
energy for a separate E-mail file targeted to a recipient, or the telephone
4/ When including a copy of the message to which you respond, DELETE all
extraneous, non-germane lines. Leave only pertinent succinct lines that
will precede your learned response.
5/ AVOID quarrelsome and profane language that ultimately detract from
the credibility of the arguments and the validity of the information
6/ AVOID ad hominem and defamatory comments.
7/ Brief "Jobs Available" or "Help Needed" postings may be welcome in
periods of economic malaise.
In these ways, we will all welcome and enjoy each other's thoughts.
The group will be hand moderated. Messages which in the opinion of the
moderators are off topic, profane, spam, inflammatory, personal attacks,
unduly argumentative, or repeating recent "Jobs available" announcements
will be rejected.
If the rejected submission includes a valid address in the "From: " or
"Reply-To: " line, a notice explaining why the
submission was rejected will be sent. Moderation will be based on
content of the message.
The initial moderation team will consist of the proponent and two other
moderators, proposed as:
Angelo Campanella <***>
Robert Bristow-Johnson <***>
Noral Stewart <***>
The submission address is to be determined.
For more information on the newsgroup creation process, please see:
Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final
resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate in
the relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy to
groups in which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic as well
as the best method of making sure that one's comments or criticisms are
All discussion of active proposals should be posted to news.groups.proposals
To this end, the followup header of this RFD has been set to
If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the discussion
may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure
that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well.
We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed newsgroup
to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to
keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID (e.g.,
Barney Fife, <***>).
Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good
evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created.
This document has been posted to the following newsgroups:
Angelo Campanella <***>
2009-06-14 1st RFD.